Envoy 2 Audio Bibles
Affordable, easy to use electronic Bible reader great for anyone on the go, churches, or mission groups. Accessible for blind and visually impaired.
This simple, easy-to-use player will allow you to listen to your Bible anytime or anywhere.
J Vernon McGee Solar Bible Bus
Think of it as a radio station in your pocket—with no commercials and all Thru the Bible messages, plus a full audio Bible!
Contains the full 5-Year Thru the Bible series.
Let customers speak for us
Here’s What Our Partners Are Saying
Here’s What Our Partners Are Saying
We are confident your technology does spread the Gospel. We saw first hand evidence of that as we handed these out and then followed with community Bibles studies. We experienced lives changed and Christ embraced. Our local churches have grown significantly in weekly attendance.

Here’s What Our Partners Are Saying
I am so grateful for our partnership. We use the MegaVoice devices in our ministry to incarcerated women and in our international partnerships as we seek to equip those in need to discover, study, and apply God’s Word for themselves.

Here’s What Our Partners Are Saying
Year in, year out on Tanna Island in Vanuatu, people ask for God’s Word on MegaVoice players. Even those who can read just love listening. It makes sense. They are an oral culture, and the audio NT speaks in their own language, right to their hearts.

Here’s What Our Partners Are Saying
"We are excited to see the gospel continue to reach the ends of the earth. This task is way beyond any of us, but Jesus Film Project is blessed to partner for many years with MegaVoice in what God is doing around the world. We produce Jesus-centered products, but we need like-minded and skilled organizations like MegaVoice to provide the means for those products to be shared. Without their audio, and now also video players, we wouldn't be able to give millions the opportunity to hear and see Jesus speak their language."

Here’s What Our Partners Are Saying
The Premium Bundle also includes the audiobook pre-loaded on a Pathway Personal Player. Created to help struggling readers, the Pathway Personal Player allows students to listen to the MP3 files while reading the paperback novel.