Finishing the task of reaching all mankind with the message of God’s love is definitely daunting. However, with the ever-expanding use of MegaVoice solar powered audio Bibles, there is a growing sense of hope that the task can be accomplished as ministries around the world work together to finish the Great Commission.
Thanks to the efforts of partnering ministries, mission agencies, Bible Societies, Wycliffe and SIL and other Bible translators, churches and individuals, MegaVoice audio Bibles have been listened to by millions.
But the work of reaching untold millions of oral learners with the Bible’s message of salvation has just begun. Non-reading moms are unable to read stories about Jesus to their children. Fathers toil without hope, unable to draw solace from a single Bible verse. The fact is, more than four billion oral learners (illiterate, non-readers, blind and visually impaired) in our world, are still unable to read the Scriptures. And that is why the MegaVoice audio Bible was created.
Now, more than any time in history, Christians with a passion for engaging the unreached are rising to the challenge. Using the MegaVoice audio Bible, they are helping oral learners gain access to the Scriptures in their own language, in a medium they readily understand. Hundreds of Christian organizations, large and small, are venturing forth with audio Scriptures including full audio Bibles, New Testaments and Bible stories.
Thanks to partnering audio ministries, we are also able to make available Scripture-based messages like God’s Story, the Story of Jesus and the Mini Bible College, as well as New Testaments and full Bibles in many languages.
We are thankful for ministries like the ones here, who give so generously of the audio they have recorded for MegaVoice audio Bibles – in many languages.
Audio Scripture Ministries,
Campus Crusade – The Jesus Film Project,
Global Recordings Network,
International Cooperating Ministries – Mini Bible College,
Spoken Word of God,
The God’s Story Project,
From our audio Bible pioneering days to the present, we at MegaVoice have been called to serve the Church with affordable, technologically advanced solar powered audio Bibles and digital accessories. If your ministry would like to partner in reaching the ends of the earth, please contact us. By God’s grace, and working for His glory, together we will finish the task the Lord Jesus assigned to His followers.

Half of the world’s population are unable to read the Bible.
For them, God’s life-giving Word remains tragically silent. Our mission is to empower the Church to fulfill the Great Commission by engaging people in God’s Word. Millions of lives are being changed as a result.
MegaVoice provides the Good News of God’s love on solar-powered audio Bibles. MegaVoice audio Scriptures are distributed by indigenous pastors, mission agencies, Bible societies and translators working in some of the most remote places on earth. The results are amazing!